Nature Mandala within an Urban Landscape - Buenos Aires

Monday, May 6, 2019


Yesterday was full of thunderstorms so I hunkered down and painted some glassware. I am facilitating a wine glass painting Sip & Craft next Tuesday through the Leesburg Center for the Arts and it helps to have a few different designs for the attendees to model. I will have several templates to follow, teach some simpler one-stroke decorative painting technique to the brave and also offer up a few dot painting ideas. Of course, I will include some mandala choices.

Do you have a group of 5 -15 friends or associates that would like a fun time painting and crafting? Contact me for prices and availability. 
That's it - time for some trail walking and pool time. Don't forget I am running After-work Eco Art Trail Walks on Thursday throughout the month of May. Bring bug juice and a camera. This week is Sabal Bluff Preserve in Leesburg. Meet at the trailhead parking at 5:30. Mabe if it isn't windy we'll make an earth mandala together. :) 
Chau 4 now.

Monday, April 29, 2019


So what's been up this week? NATURE! And scoping out the Central Florida State Parks and Trails. I simply had to stop several times yesterday to take photos and make a mandala. This spiderweb was high up and the late afternoon sun caught it just right. Look how perfect and intricate it is. Now that is EnviroArt!


Remember Thursday After-work Enviro Art Trail Walks begin this week at 5:30. Meet at the parking area of Bourlay Historic Nature Park and bring a camera. We'll have fun and learn a few thongs too.

This post is short and sweet. I am sliding off the laptop now as it is way too beautiful a day to be indoors. Lunch is digested and "I'm outta here".

Monday, April 22, 2019


It is spring and so lovely here in Central Florida where we are having some cooler than usual nights and great breezes from the lakes. I had some time today to take my art bag (my personal mobile art studio) to Lake Griffin State Park where I spread out under the pavilion roof. This is super convenient like in many state parks in the USA where there are facilities for fresh water and decent picnic tables to MAKE ART on. And that's what I did. I painted a mandala in a decorative motif called one stroke painting. Two or three colors are loaded onto the same brush at the same time giving depth and movement to the painting. There are several different strokes. It is such fun to learn and practice.

Next month I am facilitating a private Sip & Craft at the Leesburg Center for the Arts for members of a nursing association. The group chose to paint on wine glasses instead of canvas or vinyl. I will have the glassware all set for them plus the special paint and after class curing procedures that are needed to make sure their creations last.

I always like to teach some technique and not just plop people down with an example, a surface and some paint. Maybe the attendees will find a new passion and want to delve deeper into painting. FOr sure they will want to feel proud of what they painted so they can display it on a shelf.

If you are interested in booking a private group class or party please contact me. I designed a new program brochure showing the latest party offerings.

And speaking of program offerings, last week I wrote that I would announce when Enviro Art Trail Walks were to begin. It is next week (May 2nd) at 5:30 at select preserves near downtown Leesburg. The flyer is below. Join me! Join us! and bring a camera. The bald eagles were abundant last year and come quite close.

That's it. I was having so much fun in the state park today I almost forgot it was Mandala Monday and time to post.

Enjoy the spring. It is so refreshing!

Monday, April 15, 2019


My fingers have been into so many projects preparing for summer programs for adults and teens. Before I preview the process art I just wanted you to know that Mandala Canvas Paint Parties are returning to the Leesburg Center for the Arts. While we are closed during Bike Fest I will be revamping our Sip & Craft program brochure. I will have some parties on the LCFA public calendar as well as privately booked events. When the new brochure is ready for printing/downloading online I'll announce it here.

What is a Mandala Canvas Paint Party? FUN! For those that say they have no artistic talent at all, the project is the most simple canvas to paint. It is practically a "paint by number" because I pre-line the canvases to block out where color should go. You choose the colors, paint the blocks and add detailing and BLING (if you choose). I painted up a new sample. The variations are limitless.

Other Canvas Paint Party subjects are available with full instruction, step by step so that attendees end up with a finished canvas very true to the sample. You'll learn technique and the how to's to create surf/sky/shadows from a professional artist.

Sip & Craft Paint Night March 27, 2019 - Private Party

Other things in the works are paper mache workshops. More prototype/sample creating this week. Here are pics of stage 1 & 2 of a lion construction.


And there is more. I have my fiber arts fine art piece I am working on but those pics can wait.

Note: My trail walks will be starting up in May. I will announce here and on my Enviro Art website when they hit the calendar. If you are in the Central Florida area please join us.

Chau 4 now...

Monday, March 18, 2019


WOOSH ~~~~~ Gone. My day is almost gone. I have been sitting in the same position for about 4 hours BUT I got a new video uploaded to my GETIN2NATURE youtube channel and finally after almost two years updated my getin2nature website to reflect what I am doing now in terms of EnviroArt, Eco Art, Mandala Painting, Presentations and more. CLASSES!!!

There is more to do on the web but that BIG AVOIDANCE HUMP has been crossed. :) Yey ME!

As for art here is a pic - then a website link - then the video link. Have FUN. I think my leg is asleep. It is time to move the body and stretch EVERYTHING.

Upcycling a damages tabletop a few days ago. Pretty Cool. Remember the records? I will be promoting classes in acrylic pouring on vinyl for Spring.

There you will find the process video and a whole lot more.


Monday, March 11, 2019


What an amazing Leesburg Art Fest this year. So FULL. I designed a PAINT LIKE POLLOCK Create Station for the kids. It was superbly messy, educational and FUN!

I awoke today body sore therefore I simply had to keep moving. I needed to catch up in the garden, make tentative designs for a new fiber art Create Staton for BoHo Fest in September and actually (can you believe it) paint a damaged table. One would think I had quite enough paint but priming is meditative. It's GOOD FOR YOU.

Here are some pics from the Art Fest's Saturday. I still haven't edited Sunday's. Today was for quietly balancing with my own creations at my own pace - alone in space.

Until soon - back to priming

OM :)

Monday, February 18, 2019


Just a little garden update. The weather is finally good in the mornings (and afternoons on my days off) to do some serious garden work. Being inside on the computer just seems wrong :) but it is 5:00 and the sun is getting low so a good time to stop for the day.

My faux Moroccan tiles ended up in the rosemary and blue daze mandala. I am so happy the daze finally came back. Last year's freezing made it unavailable everywhere so I had to go from just a few cuttings and nurse it along. I planted some dianthus on Sunday. I am almost ready for new mulch. I still need to tackle the herb garden, side garden, other side garden, mint and wildflower (planned) area and back of the lot. Hmmmm - Where will the veggies go?

Step by step it slowly moves along. I am a weekend gardener now. Luckily I have long weekends. Most of the time. March is going to be a bit crazy because of Art Fest so I am taking what I can for time now. I even got in a bike ride today. JOY JOY!

Buddha's yellow bush daisies have been transplanted to the foundation. They will be in transplant shock for a month. I will start with potted plants until I make a decision as to what goes in the front of the pedestal. The bush daisies got way big! Patience Patricia Patience.

And now off to shower the dirt off and clean it out from under my fingernails. What's for dinner?

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Remember this photo from September's BoHo Fest in Leesburg, FL? The HUGE Community Street Mandala on canvas?

We rocked on the color fill in. The detailing was not completed during the fest so I am looking to finish it up during a super cool program we hold inside the art center on the first and third Wednesdays.


I took the canvas home to size up the task but really... it is SO BIG that I need to bring it on the 6th to ART LOUNGE (CREATE) and spread it out on the Great Room studio floor to properly paint it.


Do you want to help finish it? Then get on over to the Leesburg Center for the Arts
at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday February 6, 2019 and I'll give you a brush and some paint.


Monday, January 21, 2019


"Winter will take some patience." That's what I said on a short Facebook video this morning after waking up to 35F in Central Florida.

Today I am working in my tiny bedroom as the studio is a large open space and hard to heat. I am diggin the sunshine too. It is a good time to work on garden froo froo and not outside digging. Last year I painted some cinder blocks in a Moroccan Style motif. They became Buddha's pedestal. This year I am creating pavers for around the earth mandala.

That's it. I am getting back to the sun and color.
Chau 4 now!

Monday, January 14, 2019


I'd rather be blue thinking of you, I'd rather be blue over you, Than be happy with somebody else.

Another short post because I have been rocking the garden redesign. My 200 lb solid cement (ok I am exaggerating but it takes 2 full sized people to budge him) Buddha has been in my garden for over a year. Last week I was given an arch arbor kit to paint and build to place over him. Somehow the gray concrete called out to become BLUE. Today I stained dear Buddha and he looks pretty darn good. I think he is happy. I know when the  hanging planter and vining plants get in he will look blue but feel FA-BLUE-OUS!

Another short blog post this week. Two pairs of gloves failed in the dying process and now I have smurf hands. It will be wierd at dinner out tonight so I best go fix it. :)

Chau 4 now.....

Monday, January 7, 2019


Oh my goodness, I have been a bad little blogger. I haven't posted since mid November and here it is the new year. My Bad. Year-end was so busy. So is this beginning to the new year but... big but, all seems so much more in balance. Why? Because I am diligently taking care of me. This week I am simply going to post some photos of nature and get off the computer.

I was off grid Saturday night and Sunday morning. I didn't even have cell service. Friends took me to the coast. I was fully present. :)

These are terns on New Smyrna Beach. We also went to Blue Springs to visit with some manatees. Lovely.

I love the "do" on thee terns!
I have vowed to myself to BE out in nature at least five times a week. I am continuing my morning meditations before I get out of bed. Starting EACH DAY with deep focused and meditation makes an enormous difference in life quality. I believe it opens up your energy for good things to enter. Who needs valium?

The other thing that I am doing is eliminating or cutting down severly on some things in my diet and reducing computer time (that one is hard as I work as a graphic designer). More on that another time. Beach, Biking, Bed, Bonfires...It is a matter of balance.

Well - I leave you there. Happy 2019. See you soon.

Chau 4 now!