I love positive energy! I love it when others participate. I have a personal facebook account plus the MANDALA EARTH ART FACEBOOK PAGE. Starting this month I began posting a photo of a mandala and asking others what they saw. I began doing it on a whim. I needed to title the painting and after I finished the piece each time I looked at it I saw something different. I invited my friends to tell me what they saw. And now I invite you. WHAT DO YOU SEE? Please let me know in the comments. If you click on the image it will open in another page to help you focus.
Don't venture below the mandala just yet. Look first and make some mental notes before reading the replies of others. I don't want you to be influenced. Come on...WHAT DO YOU SEE?
PATT: No one sees a CUPCAKE? Cosmic tribal village with YURTS?
* patriii... !!!! son preciosos! !
* Strawberry Ice cream for four? But also I see yellow fish heads with a blue eye, mouth open. And it gives me a feeling of Fertility and G-d knows it's been a long time since I felt that! LOL
* Bikini bottoms from the back..cyclops, the Eiffel Tower, a sad dog with pink ears...I can keep going.
PATT: Carl G Jung would love this.
* Still looking for the sad dog.....
*Well, it is sort of bowwowtik!
*I see something from another world.
PATT: Well that would describe my unconscious mind. When I first started I saw bunny ears for Easter but as usual it turned into something else fun.
* I see fish jumping and flowers twirling. I love the way it moves!!! And the fibonacci swirls. Beautiful!!!
* Bird heads.
* I am seeing a funky beetle. His mouth is at the mandala'center and he has yellow scales and a pink bum.
This was so much fun that I decided to do it again for MANDA-LOGICAL MONDAY on the FACEBOOK PAGE.
Carl G. Jung drew mandalas and also had his patients do the same. He believed that the images gave insight to the unconscious mind. It is not that I want you to analyze me (insert snicker), I want to engage you to SEE. Consider this a fun Rorschach (inkblot) test. You never heard of inkblot tests? This is a short explanation and you can google more.
Hermann Rorschach's INKBLOT TEST (from biography.com)
"In 1917, Rorschach became aware of Swiss psychiatrist Szyman Hens' studies using inkblot cards to analyze patients' fantasies. Rorschach was also influenced by his acquaintance and contemporary, Carl Jung, who was using word association tests to tap into the unconscious mind. Rorschach combined his interests in psychoanalysis and art to create his own controversial "Rorschach inkblot test." He was the first researcher to use inkblots to analyze how patients projected their own associations onto seemingly random stimuli."
So have a look. WHAT DO YOU SEE? Again resist the urge to read what others saw before making your own observations. Click the image of the mandala to open it in a separate window, note what you see and then come back.
So what did you see? Several things in little pockets or a bigger overall view? Below are the FACEBOOK comments of others.
* Sand dollar.
* They are all looking 3D lately. Almost like a diamond in a setting.
* Why does it look like a pizza to me?
PATT: I see propellers, records (jukebox), fish heads, bird beaks, geese in flight....
* I'm sorry...I see a spaceship...from the beginning.
PATT: Like it is hovering above you.
* It's a purple sand dollar.
* From when you first showed it it makes me feel like it is a spaceship from a really cool place.
* It is like a combination of a sand dollar and a fat star fish. Both calling from the beach.
* It looks like a concert tent (a very very big one).
PATT: Oh that's cool. I think I am seeing it - from overhead like a stadium and the records are being tossed out to the audience seating.
* Actually they are not records, they are special theme lighting which we only see the top of ...
* Gorgeous. The colours and design really pop!!
PATT: Awesome view from the rafters.
* And I can hear the sound coming out -"....!!! ... and let me introduce to you, ..the ONE AND ONLY BILLY SHEARS... Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Bandandahahand.....
*Tent over a large pool with the top middle rolled back so you can see the synchronized kayakers.
* Butterfly umbrella! What do I win?
Please post your observations in the comments, LIKE the FACEBOOK PAGE and SUBSCRIBE to this BLOG >>>>> upper right portion of this page.
Until next time..... ENJOY THE VIEW!
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