Nature Mandala within an Urban Landscape - Buenos Aires

Friday, June 5, 2015


Wow. I have so much going on which is great as long as I keep organized, centered and CLEAR. Before I post about two free and open to the public presentations that I have scheduled this month I want to write about something that whacked me (again) right in the head/mind yesterday.


The monkey mind (kapicitta) is a term sometimes used by the Buddha to describe the agitated, easily distracted and incessantly moving behaviour of ordinary human consciousness (Ja.III,148; V,445). Once he observed: ‘Just as a monkey swinging through the trees grabs one branch and lets it go only to seize another, so too, that which is called thought, mind or consciousness arises and disappears continually both day and night.’ (S.II,95). 

I don't know how many times I have told people about the therapeutic aspects of making art in nature, specifically mandalas. For me and for just about every person that I have brought out into nature to create, the process frees the mind of useless chatter. Gathering objects, clearing space and constructing art focuses and clears the mind. You are placed IN the environment, IN the creative flow and IN the NOW. There is no time, there is simply space.

Yesterday I made an afternoon visit to Massasoit State Park with my four legged foraging buddy Sr. Benjito. I have been there before but am not very familiar with the trails. I printed a map before leaving the house but we stuck to the main road and nearby side paths. I wanted to check out the landing area at the far pond and if I had the time, make some EnviroArt.

I am a person that notices things, especially thoughts. (The first step is to NOTICE THEM.) Sometimes I am in better control of my thinking but lately I have been doing way too much multi-tasking and bouncing from topic to task to thought to "to do" list to ARGH! It has been as if my mind has been "Running on Dunkin's" caffeine. (An appropriate reference as today is National Donut Day.)

(How do people live like this? I really don't know how they add radio and tv and YAHOO news and FB trending to their already over stimmed minds. No wonder people are so stressed out and on meds.) Anyway...

Lately I haven't given myself enough nature time and my Monkey Mind has been gaining control. As we walked to the landing I recognized that my thoughts were not on where I was at all. I had driven over 20 minutes to this beautiful park but my mind was  NOT THERE. We walked over 30 minutes to the landing and I was thinking all the way. Oh such a busy mind.

When we got to the pond I said out loud, "I am so out of practice." I stopped, sat myself down on a bench and looked out over the water. "Relax, take the time, BE here."

I listened to the birds and the leaves rustling in the trees. "How did I stay away so long?"

WRONG QUESTION. The response to that question would have had my mind busy for hours. Don't ask, Don't tell. Just BE quiet.

I secured the dog and kicked around in the the pine needles noticing and observing the things that were lying on the forest floor. I picked up a pine branch, snapped it and held it to my nose. The scent of the sappy wood was intoxicating and nothing like any commercial product ever invented. It was and is REAL PINE. I floated into childhood memories. I noticed the shapes of the different varieties of cones on the ground and broken sticks and branches and.... I bent down to pick up the ones that spoke to me.  Before I knew it I had cleared a space and began to construct an earth mandala. It took quite awhile before I even noticed that my monkey had simply and easily disappeared. POOF! Like magic he had VANISHED. My mind did not wander to any thought other than the ART at hand; the colors, shapes, aromas and textures of the materials and where to place them. I was in blissful peace.

The sun was lowering in the sky evidenced by the shadows on the mandala so I knew we needed to start hiking to the parking lot. I shot a few final photos, unhooked the dog and began the walk back and... HELLO MONKEY - HE'S BACK! Ah but I was in far better control this time. I could consciously brush him aside and return to the sensations of the breeze and sun on my skin and sounds around me. I needed to this this over and over and over again. When you condition yourself out of the NOW it takes practice to get back in. The first step is... to notice.

What about you? How's your Monkey? Do you think he needs a vacation from your mind? YES! Do you need some help centering and focusing? I invite you to go to my website GETIN2NATURE.COM and to the MEETUP GROUP group and join for free (if you just want to be on a mailing list send me a mail) and take an EnviroArt workshop. It will do you good. Then go out on your own and leave your Monkey at home.


Free and Open to the Public

June 9th – 6:30 pm – Quest House – Easton, MA

“Making Mandalas in the Wild”

queset flyer june 9
Moss is not just moss and pine cones are not just pine cones. To an EcoArtist they are paints and textures to be skillfully combined in an organic piece of earth art. Join Patt Gilmore for a photographic tour and presentation of nature mandalas. From North to South America these images are sure to inspire you to get outside and have fun creating.
Patricia is an environmental artist and therapist that works internationally. Her photographs have appeared in national art exhibitions. In 2014 she created the first Ames Mansion mandala in Easton. Her site specific land art is scattered throughout the USA and beyond.

June 27 – 3 pm – Borderland State Park – Easton, MA

“Sticks & Cones on Paving Stones


Learn about the fun and inventive process behind the making of the very first Ames Mansion Mandala in the fall of 2014. The 6 foot nature art installation was created for the 12th annual Blanche Ames National Art Exhibition and almost all of the elements of design were found right at Borderland State Park.
The woods and trails hold so many colors and textures. After the presentation you are invited to join Patricia on a short trail walk where she will point out many of nature’s paints that work really well in creating earth art.
Patricia Gilmore is a local environmental artist that works internationally. Her site specific land art is scattered throughout New England and beyond. Recently she returned from making and photographing nature mandalas in South America. Several images of her earth art creations can be found in her ISSUU book “Nature Mandalas within an Urban Landscape.”

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I am trying this post as a direct share link from my getin2nature youtube channel so I don't know what it will look like until after I hit the publish button. Ohhhhh - such adventure.

So in this video not only am I making a part of a land art installation, I am also teaching you about a great acupunture/acupressure point for fighting off getting sick or coughing from allergies. How fun! I get to do two of my most favorite things in one video. :)

Enjoy! - check it out - join the meetup group and take a workshop.

Friday, April 24, 2015


I haven't been posting for a few weeks as I have been busy creating a new website and book. I will share about the website another day. Today I want to shout out the book. The book is a compilation of images of the nature mandalas that I have made in the urban parks of Buenos Aires, Argentina contrasted against city scenes. You can view the complete book by clicking the link below the cover photo or by going to the top of this blog. I have embedded the viewing link in the blog's top border.

Making Mandalas in Urban Parks

(wait for the photos to load)

I hope you enjoy it.

In less than two weeks I will be on USA soil again. I have enjoyed my time here in Argentina and am looking forward to getting back into my New England woods.

Until soon....

PS: I will shout it out later but for the impatient ones here's the link for a sneak peak at the new site.

Chau 4 Now....

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


As you know I am passionate about connecting people back into nature. I am especially concerned about adults. That right, ADULTS. Adults are the leaders of the community and the teachers in our schools, the parents and caregivers of our children, the heads of the family. You can enroll kids in programs which is wonderful (if they exist in your community) but becoming the personal leader and role model for your own children or grandchildren is even better. First you need to reconnect. The rest will follow naturally (no pun intended). When was the last time you played and made art in the woods? Let me guide you.
When you get back out foraging and creating in the woods or beachcombing on the shores you will become revitalized and more alive. Creating art in nature is energizing, therapeutic and gives you a huge healthy dose of VITAMIN "N".

Here is a wonderful interview with Richard Louv, author of The Nature Principle, Last Child in the Woods, The Web of Life and other books. Louv shares a hopeful message for every area of life from more productive workplaces, to better classroom learning and healing of our nature-starved spirits..

Check back often and LET'S GET GOING >>> OUTSIDE.
Don't delay. New England schedules are being created NOW.

Monday, March 23, 2015



I love positive energy! I love it when others participate. I have a personal facebook account plus the MANDALA EARTH ART FACEBOOK PAGE. Starting this month I began posting a photo of a mandala and asking others what they saw. I began doing it on a whim. I needed to title the painting and after I finished the piece each time I looked at it I saw something different. I invited my friends to tell me what they saw. And now I invite you. WHAT DO YOU SEE?  Please let me know in the comments. If you click on the image it will open in another page to help you focus.

Don't venture below the mandala just yet. Look first and make some mental notes before reading the replies of others. I don't want you to be influenced. Come on...WHAT DO YOU SEE?


Did you find some interesting things? These are some of the comments others made.

PATT: No one sees a CUPCAKE? Cosmic tribal village with YURTS?

* patriii... !!!! son preciosos! !

* Strawberry Ice cream for four? But also I see yellow fish heads with a blue eye, mouth open. And it gives me a feeling of Fertility and G-d knows it's been a long time since I felt that! LOL

* Bikini bottoms from the back..cyclops, the Eiffel Tower, a sad dog with pink ears...I can keep going.

PATT: Carl G Jung would love this.

* Still looking for the sad dog.....

*Well, it is sort of bowwowtik!

*I see something from another world.

PATT: Well that would describe my unconscious mind. When I first started I saw bunny ears for Easter but as usual it turned into something else fun.

* I see fish jumping and flowers twirling. I love the way it moves!!! And the fibonacci swirls. Beautiful!!!

* Bird heads.

* I am seeing a funky beetle. His mouth is at the mandala'center and he has yellow scales and a pink bum.

This was so much fun that I decided to do it again for MANDA-LOGICAL MONDAY on the FACEBOOK PAGE.

Carl G. Jung drew mandalas and also had his patients do the same. He believed that the images gave insight to the unconscious mind. It is not that I want you to analyze me (insert snicker), I want to engage you to SEE. Consider this a fun Rorschach (inkblot) test. You never heard of inkblot tests? This is a short explanation and you can google more.

Hermann Rorschach's INKBLOT TEST (from

"In 1917, Rorschach became aware of Swiss psychiatrist Szyman Hens' studies using inkblot cards to analyze patients' fantasies. Rorschach was also influenced by his acquaintance and contemporary, Carl Jung, who was using word association tests to tap into the unconscious mind. Rorschach combined his interests in psychoanalysis and art to create his own controversial "Rorschach inkblot test." He was the first researcher to use inkblots to analyze how patients projected their own associations onto seemingly random stimuli."

So have a look. WHAT DO YOU SEE? Again resist the urge to read what others saw before making your own observations. Click the image of the mandala to open it in a separate window, note what you see and then come back.


So what did you see? Several things in little pockets or a bigger overall view? Below are the FACEBOOK comments of others.

* Sand dollar.

* They are all looking 3D lately. Almost like a diamond in a setting.

* Why does it look like a pizza to me?

PATT: I see propellers, records (jukebox), fish heads, bird beaks, geese in flight....

* I'm sorry...I see a spaceship...from the beginning.

PATT: Like it is hovering above you.

* It's a purple sand dollar.

* From when you first showed it it makes me feel like it is a spaceship from a really cool place.

* It is like a combination of a sand dollar and a fat star fish. Both calling from the beach.

* It looks like a concert tent (a very very big one).

PATT: Oh that's cool. I think I am seeing it - from overhead like a stadium and the records are being tossed out to the audience seating.

* Actually they are not records, they are special theme lighting which we only see the top of ...

* Gorgeous. The colours and design really pop!!

PATT: Awesome view from the rafters.

* And I can hear the sound coming out -"....!!! ... and let me introduce to you, ..the ONE AND ONLY BILLY SHEARS... Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Bandandahahand.....

*Tent over a large pool with the top middle rolled back so you can see the synchronized kayakers. 

* Butterfly umbrella! What do I win?



Please post your observations in the comments, LIKE the FACEBOOK PAGE and SUBSCRIBE to this BLOG >>>>> upper right portion of this page.

Until next time..... ENJOY THE VIEW!

Monday, March 16, 2015


There are more ways to connect to nature art. I have been busy creating social media pages. We now have this blog that you can subscribe to (I am putting that in red...the subscribe option is on the right sidebar>>>) and you can also subscribe to the YOUTUBE channel. Last week I added a Facebook Artist Page. Please check it out. Hit the LIKE button and invite your friends to do the same. I will be posting video links, photo images and more beauty and inspiration. Plus each TAPPED IN TUESDAY I will be highlighting another environmental artist that is tapped into the flow. There are so many amazing artists bringing their own style and sense of wonder to this important work that connects humanity back to their roots in nature. I am truly excited to be a part of this movement. Just scroll down the FACEBOOK page to find the Tuesday posts. Last week I highlighted Andy Goldsworthy - a master site specific artist. Look for the link to a full HD documentary and click in - tap in.You won't be disappointed.


I have a few media projects in process. I am editing some short videos. One is about making the WESTPORT MANDALA last year. Also as I am winding down (or up) in Argentina I am compiling the photos of the smaller earth art creations that bloomed here. I also am putting together a WOMANDALA video. That may have to wait to be finished in May as it involves recording a narration voice over. It is easy to stay busy.

Earth Day is April 22nd. I am looking for area artists to participate in a larger work. I am also pulling people together for evening group paint. Did I write I was winding down? Actually I am gearing UP for my New England return. I want to hit those woods running (rather foraging) muddy hiking boots and all.

I want to wish you all a Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I was named after St Patrick. My birthday is so close (March 21st - the first FULL day of spring in New England). I am also wishing my kinsmen and women some snow melting and sunny warm days.


tumbler coming soon...

Thursday, March 5, 2015


I am pleased to announce that MANDALA*EARTH*ART now has a youtube channel. Over the course of the last few days I have uploaded a few very short videos to get things started. Many more videos are coming and some super longer surprises too. Check out the new channel and subscribe. You will be notified by email each time a new video is published.

Also remember to subscribe to this blog. On the right sidebar is a FOLLOW BY EMAIL - SUBSCRIBE field. Just type in your email address and a box should appear from feedburner asking you to put in a jumbled code. Do so and submit and an email confirmation will come to your email inbox. Just open the mail and click the link inside to confirm. It is as easy as that. You won't get any SPAM. You will only get an email when I make a brand new post to the blog.

Below is a happy little video to remind those in the northern hemisphere that color does exist under all that snow. I will be in New England in May and part of June giving talks and facilitating workshops, making art, photographing and preparing for art shows. To keep abreast of all the happenings subscribe to this blog and visit often.

I also want to let you know that if you desire a private workshop for your organization, camp, school, association or your personal friends please write me. I have half and full day programs available and can customize a short or long presentation. My area is not limited to New England. In fact, I am typing this post from South America. >>>> My email address is on the right sidebar. >>>>

Enjoy the video. It is a joyful 2 minute smile.
Until next time....
All the best

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
The other day I was in an area of Buenos Aires known as Lago de Regatas. I was on my way to an ART SHARE meeting and took extra time to walk around the lake and look for items to forage. I settled on a spot and let the energy express itself.

The following day I posted the below photo on my personal facebook page and it began a lovely thread. I am taking the liberty to put some of the comments here.

Your artwork with my morning coffee. Makes me smile!

Fantastic! Thank you for the wonderful feedback. Art is meant to be shared. Otherwise it is the tree falling in the woods... does it make a sound if no one hears it?

Does art have meaning if it is not seen?

I believe that Patt's art has meaning, even if not seen, and deep in the forest. Having worked with the Earth's energy for many years, I know she is creating power spots and opening portals with particular vibrations with each mandala that she creates. This one, I feel, is for combining the female and male in each individual...those who need it will be drawn to this spot long after the creation has disappeared.

 I'm getting a fertility vibe from this one.

It feels very healing. just sent a copy to a friend who is struggling with cancer. I hope that's ok!! It truly brings me a feeling of peace.


It is so wonderful to have feedback. Between the ART SHARE group meeting where I shared photo images of my work and the history of how I began to make earth art and the feedback on my personal facebook page I am once again juiced.

I invite you to leave comments here on the blog and also to subscribe. Look to the right side bar for the FOLLOW BY EMAIL - SUBSCRIBE field and insert your email address. Each time I make a new post you will receive notification in your email inbox.

Soon I will be creating a separate YOUTUBE CHANNEL and FACEBOOK PAGE for this joyful and healing artwork. Please share the blog and it's images and messages to those in need of an energetic boost in their day.

Thank You.

Friday, February 13, 2015


I took a little break from the big city of Buenos Aires and headed over the river to calming Uruguay for a week. I spent the majority of my time climbing up and down the hills in and around the coastal town of Piriapolis. I had fantastic weather and had hoped to make some nature mandalas in the hills but this year the season is very dry and except for the eucalyptus leaves there was little to forage from the ground. I did however hike along the rocky coast and created a few mandalas out of mussel shells.

On the last night in town I meet up with an old friend and we went to see Guillermo Busch's art exhibition "777 Piedras Corazon" (777 Rock Hearts). He has been gathering heart-shaped rocks, stones and pebbles for many years. Spirit surely inspires and guides this artist. I especially loved the installments that looked into little environments of colors, light and shapes. What a lovely sense of whimsy and love of nature. I feel so happy that I went to the exhibit. I was allowed to take photos and I am including my favorites below. I have watermarked them. I thought to make Valentine's Day cards out of them as tomorrow is that LOVEly day but today it seemed a bit schmaltzy so I am leaving them as I shot them - perfect!



If you are in the area check out the show. It is at the

Pabellón de las Rosas

Until next time - Let Nature and Art Recreate You.

Stay tuned for more information about Meditation and Mandala Making Workshops coming in New England's late spring. After all that snow melts.

Monday, February 2, 2015


CONGRATULATIONS PATS - WELL DONE :) The New England Patriots won another Super Bowl last night. I caught the game at a local watering hole here in San Telmo. I am still searching for my physical voice this morning.

I have been busy making mandalas and playing in the few natural spaces here in the area. In just two days I head off to Uruguay for a week. I am hoping for great weather as the last few times I have visited things were pretty rained out, such as roads! There is a town on the coast named Piriapolis with a big hill called the Cerro San Antonio. I hope to climb up it. I will tell you of the legend in a future post. Wish me some dry days to get to the top. In the meantime, here are some pretty little mandalas made on the costanera sur here in Buenos Aires. I have also entered them in the NATURE GALLERY page (link in the right side bar).

Below one of the elements I happily found were leaves from the Tulip Tree. The first time I knowingly encountered a tulip tree was at Borderland State Park in Easton, MA where I created the seven foot mandala art installation last fall. There's one tree on the main trail by the farm house and another by the Ames Mansion. Check them out if you live nearby. Bring snowshoes or cross country skis. Actually you better wait. It is s deciduous tree. You would have a hard time finding the trees without their distinctive leaves or tulip like flowers. 


I admit that I have been - hmmm - not sure if this is the correct word or not - HOMESICK for my native New England woods but in all practicality they are under snow and more is on the way. Please hold up the fort for me and watch your back. Warm up those muscles before and after you shovel!
I will be back soon, after the melt!

Need some help with that back? Check out my other blog for my private practice and workshops. This is a post to help you with that back spasm. Click HERE.

Thanks for stopping by! Hasta Pronto - Until Soon.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Yesterday I went down to the Ecological Reserve to the river. There isn't a sandy beach there. Instead there are man made rocks or in other words chunks of broken buildings, bricks, pavements and unfortunately a lot of washed up trash. Still amongst all the plastic bottles, papers, broken doll parts and goodness knows what beauty can be found and compiled into a nature mandala.

I pose to you a rhetorical question... the fact that I could find the beauty and enhance it, is that a matter of focus or perspective? Think about it. So many of us spend so much time watching, listening and reading the news, facebook posts, web headlines and more and we feel insecure and fearful of the world around us. Is that because of our focus or perspective? Does our focus create our perspective or does our perspective create our focus? You choose both in one way or another. I chose the cockspur coral tree flowers and incorporated what used to be broken bottles. The turbulence of the river smoothed and rounded out the green glass pieces. They are easily touchable now.

Some words to think about. But please don't think too hard.  Just get away from the news and fear tactics the media uses to hold your attention and breathe in some of mother nature's fresh air. Take the time and refresh your spirit.

ANYWAY... I have added some new images to both galleries. Please take a look. The pages are listed on the right sidebar. Click on in and enjoy.

New WO-MANDALAs have been bubbling through my fingers to help you connect with the spirit of cooperation, community and unity and...hope. It has been so much fun being part of the process. 

Here is a preview. There's more - siempre (always). The womandalas are also featured in the 2D gallery.  ENJOY and SHARE!

Sunday, January 4, 2015


What a fun way to begin the New Year.  The other day I went to the costanera sur and made my first nature mandala of the year.  I have no idea the names of the trees the foraged materials came from so I will need to do a bit of googling in order to label the photos.  What made this mandala extra fun is the Venezuelan tourists that stopped by to see what I was doing.  They instantly started taking photos of the finished piece and INSTAGRAMMING them to their friends.  Then they too had to get into the picture.


This is not uncommon.  I think I have only made two mandalas in Argentina where people have not come to look and appreciate the works of energetic art.  One of those times I was alone on the median strip of a busy avenue (hey if I can find stuff to forage I go there) and the other time the surrounding people had already taken cover from the rain.

So I am continueing the good work. It makes me happy. It makes others happy and it celebrates the earth.  Protect and honor her.  It is the only one we have.

As I mentioned in my last post there are now gallery pages and an artist's bio at the blog site.  Look to the right side bar near the top.  >>>

I have new mandala projects brewing including a line of gift cards.  The other projects are still floating around my mind in concept stage.  Stay tuned.

Oh and don't forget to check my other blog!