This morning when I awoke I practiced my usual routine. Actually I don't need to practice. I have it down. I woke up before the sun rose, stretched out from the fetus position and sighed a happy big sigh. Each day is a rebirth. I noticed the birds singing, the breeze coming through the windows and then I began to analyze my dreams. It's fun and often enlightening to take the time in bed before your mind gets diverted and you forget.
I then got up, started the coffee, pushed the ON button on my laptop and checked my mail, Facebook and the weather. Soon I got to puttering. When I got back to the laptop, my laptop that I use for all my design work, it gave me a 24 second warning to plug in. That's when the trouble began. I couldn't plug it in in time. Now I can't get it to boot up. Three hours searching and trying solutions and another hour looking for laptops online.
Walk away Patt!
I have 2 old broken Acer netbooks. The screen is totally smashed on one. I have it VGA'd to an old monitor. It is connect to a sound system in my studio so that I can stream groovy music. I also have another netbook with a partially broken screen (it casts red fuzz) which is what I am typing on now. I wear readers over my bifocals to see what I am typing.
Walk away Patt, walk away.
All weekend I was getting text messages from someone that should know by now I don't keep my phone near me and I dislike texting. Call me! She was offering me an old smart phone to use. I suppose I should reply. But...
Aren't I sucked in enough?
Close the cover Patt.
A web design client called Sunday frantic that several browsers showed his site with security issues. Not a problem, but for him a scare. I said most likely the web host service was doing updates. My suggestion was to wait a few hours. But I had to dig in only to find that indeed the host was making server updates. Less than two hours later all was fine.
Pull out the watercolor paper and pencils Patt.
Tech messages from the Universe do not need hardware and you are already pre-loaded with the software. Running too many programs all at once isn't such a good thing.
Today is my day off. I am finally taking my own advice and getting my art supplies out and...
Just walking away.
Read my blog first - then walk away ;) Chau 4 now.