Nature Mandala within an Urban Landscape - Buenos Aires

Monday, May 28, 2018


This is a short post. It is a long weekend (Memorial Day) and I am busily preparing for several classes that I am teaching online and in person. I am also instigating (I like that word. It sounds mischievous) some cool new programs at the Leesburg Center for the Arts. They will show on the new website soon. Please be patient.

And now here is the GIG REMINDER

This coming Saturday
June 2nd - 2:30 - 5:00
The Modernism Museum
Mount Dora Florida

Details on their site. Click HERE.

chau 4 now >>>> 
This is the last Photographer Documentary Film showing at the LCFA tonight. Super cool - HER AIM IS TRUE - Jini Dellaccio - Rock Photographer from the 60's & 70's.  7:15 in the Great Room.  429 W. Magnolia St. Leesburg, FL -  Free and Open to the Public. BYOB - The popcorn is on us.

May 28 - Rock Photographer Jini Dellaccio: Her Aim Is True: 
Before Leibovitz, there was Jini... Her Aim Is True brings together musicians and rock photographers in an inspiring and unforgettable journey revealing unlikely rock 'n' roll photographer, Jini Dellaccio who visualized punk before it had a name and embodied indie before it was cool. In 1964, a middle-aged Dellaccio began hanging out with raucous garage bands in her backyard, creating innovative album covers.

Trailer - 

Monday, May 21, 2018


We have been having several days full of rain lately so I had limited time in my garden but got a chance to do more experimenting with vinyl records. (BTW - The crayon experiment IMHO was a BIG FAIL.) I am so glad I had the time this weekend to play because now I am inundated with design work. Things can change in an instant. When the market calls I respond.

The last experiment that I was able to perform was this string art record.

I felt that my drill wasn't getting enough play time. Using my trusty protractor, ruler and pencil I made some marks where to drill holes and VOILA - string art. Those are those paper fasteners holding the yarn in place. It was much easier than threading yarn through each hole. I like the concept a lot.

Saturday I wrapped my laundry room in plastic tablecloths and really got my hands in the paint. I adapted a plastic lazy susan so as to spin some records with acrylic pours. It was definitely messy BUT SO MUCH FUN! Check it out >>>>  AND KEEP PLAYING!

Monday, May 14, 2018


I have been playing around with record albums. Sunday I came across a bag of old broken crayons, the really cheap poor quality DollarTree kind. I decided to make some use of them and play around combining them with heat and vinyl. It was a hot cloudy day here in Central Florida. Perhaps I should have saved this experiment for the winter months when I need to heat up but alas, inspiration comes when inspiration comes.

Although not happy with the result it gave me some more ideas. That is what the artistic process is about. Many of us hold on to the finished result not realizing the result is the process. Experimentation is vital to art. From experimentation new techniques are discovered.

Besides I can always re-purpose this again into ?????  Any suggestions? It is covered in cheap crayon wax. :)

Short process video below.

Hasta Pronto!

Monday, May 7, 2018


This week was back to work as Program Coordinator for the Leesburg Center For the Arts. Well every day is that. I never did stop thinking, researching and designing graphics and programs during the time that the building was taken over and turned into the "Rat's Hole Bar" for Bike Fest. It was great to get back among the creative community and good vibe. I immediately got to organizing and clearing out one of the little offices. We are redesigning and making planning and volunteer space complete with white boards for scheduling and bookcases for all the wonderful art books people have generously donated. More and more people are coming forward and offering help. It is exciting.

There was a gallery opening Friday Night of the artists that participated in this season's "Artist Way" study group. WOW! Their creations were so inspiring and fun! I was blown away. Of course I found this meme in my day today. :)

My work carried on into the weekend which was accompanied by either rain or the fear of rain. This kept my fanny off my bike and nestled into my sofa with my laptop. I cranked out graphic teasers for a CUPPING event happening on Friday. It is a coffee roasting and tasting. I also worked on a flyer for the new photography club meetings, workshop proposal outlines, a procedure manual and some more layouts for an art/craft fest in September. You may be seeing Facebook teasers for that in the coming weeks. Don't be surprised to see a lot of Dylan references too without explanation (at first). It is all fun.

Sooooo.... Right about now (Sunday night) I am done typing and looking at a laptop. I am ready to watch a film.

OH YES!!!! The film festival of Photographer Documentaries begins tomorrow (Monday) at the center. Do join us if you are in the area. 7:15 pm. "An Art That Nature Makes."  I am so looking forward to it. The popcorn and camping chair are sitting by my front door already for the car.

No mandalas this week Patt? Of course there are. Looking for Dylan stencils online today I came across this merging of Dylan + Stencil Art + Mandalas. Right click, save and print. Have fun coloring!

Happy Mandala Monday!