This is a short post. It is a long weekend (Memorial Day) and I am busily preparing for several classes that I am teaching online and in person. I am also instigating (I like that word. It sounds mischievous) some cool new programs at the Leesburg Center for the Arts. They will show on the new website soon. Please be patient.
And now here is the GIG REMINDER
This coming Saturday
June 2nd - 2:30 - 5:00
The Modernism Museum
Mount Dora Florida
Details on their site. Click HERE.
chau 4 now >>>>
This is the last Photographer Documentary Film showing at the LCFA tonight. Super cool - HER AIM IS TRUE - Jini Dellaccio - Rock Photographer from the 60's & 70's. 7:15 in the Great Room. 429 W. Magnolia St. Leesburg, FL - Free and Open to the Public. BYOB - The popcorn is on us.
May 28 - Rock Photographer Jini Dellaccio: Her Aim Is True:
Before Leibovitz, there was Jini... Her Aim Is True brings together musicians and rock photographers in an inspiring and unforgettable journey revealing unlikely rock 'n' roll photographer, Jini Dellaccio who visualized punk before it had a name and embodied indie before it was cool. In 1964, a middle-aged Dellaccio began hanging out with raucous garage bands in her backyard, creating innovative album covers.
Before Leibovitz, there was Jini... Her Aim Is True brings together musicians and rock photographers in an inspiring and unforgettable journey revealing unlikely rock 'n' roll photographer, Jini Dellaccio who visualized punk before it had a name and embodied indie before it was cool. In 1964, a middle-aged Dellaccio began hanging out with raucous garage bands in her backyard, creating innovative album covers.
Trailer -